
Work from home: The new normal

Work from home: The new normal

Thanks to Covid, I think we can all agree working from home is here to stay. But is your business REALLY prepared? These are key areas to get it right.

Why you still need antivirus

Why you still need antivirus

Its 2020, it’s easy to think you no longer need antivirus to protect your devices. Actually, it’s the opposite. Any device connected to the internet needs protection. Here’s why.

Take our 60-minute security challenge

Take our 60-minute security challenge

Its important to have local data security experts like us. One thing we pride ourselves on is quickly finding ways that hackers could damage your business. With just 60 minutes, …

3 ways to protect data on your cell

3 ways to protect data on your cell

These days we rely on our cell phones for EVERYTHING. Especially to work efficiently and run a thriving business. This is a must watch video if you ever pick up …